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Asset Discovery and Recovery

Major Paperwork, LLC Collection Department provides debt recovery services to judgment creditors and other institutions. Our investigation department employ a range of collections tools to effectively achieve the desired outcome, including demand letters, pre-suit collections, litigation, garnishment, skip tracing, asset searches, post-judgment discovery and collateral recovery. Our department maintains policies and practices in compliance with all applicable federal and state governing laws and regulations.

"Post Judgment Discovery"


  • Vehicle Ownership Searches
  • Driving Record Investigations
  • Nationwide DMV Checks
  • GPS Vehicle Tracking Systems
  • CarMax Search

Financial & Due Diligence

  • Tax Liens
  • Business Credit Reports
  • Asset Locator Service
  • Real Property Records
  • Shareholders Records
  • Judgments
  • FEIN Searches

"Texas Constitution and Statutes"

If you have a judgment or need our services, contact us today.